A contest will be held for the best student presentations and posters. Winners will be announced on the final day of the conference.
Judges are needed for the student oral and poster presentations competition. If you are willing to judge posters and/or oral presentations, please email Brian Oswald at
Any graduate student who has not received an award in a prior Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference contest, has registered in attendance at the current Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, and has conducted the research being reported in the 14-state Southern Regional area or Puerto Rico, is eligible to compete in the contest.
A student cannot participate in both the paper and the poster contests concurrently at the same Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference.
Any student who enters either contest and withdraws, but delivers a paper or poster during the same Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, forfeits eligibility for the contest.
Other Information
Students wishing to enter the competition must submit a qualified abstract that is accepted for the conference.
Contestants should not have won this prize in any previous year.
Student papers and posters will be judged by at least two judges.
Each award for the Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference will consist of an engraved plaque and a cash prize (students will be mailed their check within 30 days).
The top three scores in the oral paper session and the top three scores in the poster session will receive awards. Note that no designations will be given for first, second, or third place.
Judges' oral evaluation sheets and poster evaluation sheets will not only evaluate each student's performance, but also indicate areas for improvement.
Judges' names will be kept anonymous on each evaluation sheet.
Students may request to review each judge's evaluation sheet following the awards announcement. Copies of the judge's evaluation sheets will be sent to each student upon request with a written note or e-mail providing the student's name and mailing address.
Students are strongly encouraged to review the scoring sheets in the early stages of their presentation and/or poster preparation.
BSSRC Student Oral and Poster Presenter Contest Eligibility Rules
Download evaluation sheet for Oral Presentations
Download evaluation sheet for Poster Presentations
List of previous BSSRC Award Winners
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Brian Oswald at (936) 468-2275 or